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NHS Eye Tests

At Aves in Epping, we aim to offer the most comprehensive eye examination we can, but because NHS funding is limited, additional investigations such as 3D retinal scans entail a fee. Any additional fees that you may incur will be explained in advance. The NHS do not fund any emergency eye care.

NHS-funded eye examinations are available to the following groups:

  • Under 16s and Under 19s, still in full time education

  • Over 60s

  • Those receiving income support, family tax credit or job seekers allowance

  • Those in possession of a current HC1 certificate

  • People with diabetes or glaucoma

  • People registered blind or partially sighted

  • People over 40 with a direct relative who has glaucoma

  • People whose prescription has complex lenses

Please note that the NHS will not fund unlimited eye examinations for any individual. The standard period between examinations is two years, unless your optometrist advises you of a clinical reason for more frequent visits. If you have any concerns about your eyes or vision, but are not due for your routine eye examination, please contact the practice and we will tell you whether a further NHS-funded eye examination can be carried out.


Private Fees

Our fees for private consultations, investigations and treatments are as follows:

Eye Examinations

Emergency Examinations
Supplementary Examinations

Contact Lens Fees

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